It is truly a great privilege to welcome you to the site of the Leadership Institute (Nigeria). In these few pages you will get to meet our intentions, visions, and programs. The Leadership Institute was established in the year 2000 as the premier institution in Africa solely concerned with leadership training. It was registered in Nigeria as a not-for-profit organization with registration number 13,674. The vision of the Leadership Institute is to train model leaders in Africa whose honesty, humility, courage and integrity will enhance the common good. Africa’s rich assets stand in dire need of servant, reformist, game-changing, selfless and exemplary leaders. Only these model leaders can anticipate, adapt and drive change for the benefit of the vulnerable people of Africa. It is with great joy that I return as President of the Institute after seven years sojourn as Ambassador of Nigeria in Mexico and High Commissioner to Canada. My experiences during these diplomatic postings have further sharpened my desire and resolve to offer to my country Nigeria and Africa, through the Leadership Institute, greater training for model leaders.
I invite you as partners, fellow scholars, students and casual observers to join us in making a difference in Africa and the world. We have crafted several short-term courses and seminars to provide tailored support to all who desire a new leadership in Africa, to support those who think critically, reason ethically, and participate effectively in determining a new future path for Africa. The core belief and motivation for the establishment of the Institute is to overcome the leadership deficit through training of leaders rather than the prevailing circumstantial and situational leaders who have cost the continent immensely. We are committed to training the next generation of leaders to understand the purpose, principles and skills necessary to provide Africa fundamental growth in all sectors. We stand on the threshold of an exciting time when the future that beckons Africa in this complex, multi-faceted world, is being shaped by a new leadership that is innovative, young, restless and eager. The Leadership Institute is here with opportunities for critical skills and experiences that were non-existent before, but which now have become critically important for the survival of the continent.
Welcome to the Leadership Institute
Iyorwuese Hagher Ph.D., OON, FiMC, CMC, FSONTA